The Story...

The Sunday before Christmas Andy and I went shopping and ended up in the jewely store trying on wedding bands; dilegently trying to check things off the long wedding to-do lists. We left the store with two shiney new rings and headed to the car. Andy, who has been trying to convince me to elope in Vegas for months now, said "Well, we have everything we need now. Let's just go ahead and get married." To his surprise, I said "Okay. Let's do it at Christmas".

Once he finally started to believe me, he got on the phone with his family to see if they could make a spur of the moment drive down from West Virginia and I called my mom to see if she could pull off a wedding in four days. Needless to say, everything fell together.

Four days laters, Andy and I got married in a beautiful outdoor night ceremony at my parent's home. I had always wanted a night-time winter wedding and it was perfect.